Brandon O'Brien

Travel and Adventure Journal

I wanted a place to journal all my travels and adventures around the world. I always enjoy going back and reflecting on my past travels and getting to relive them through my words and photos.

Just some fun trips

These are my short trips that don't fall into any of the other sections. Most of these take place around the Southwest, many of which are adventures on my motorcycle

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Wichita to Albuquerque - Day 8 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Wichita to Albuquerque - Day 8 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

I had a good sleep last night and woke up feeling pretty refreshed. My body was still pretty sore from putting on 700+ miles yesterday but it wasn't too bad. I got all of my gear packed up and started running it down to my bike and loading it up. Before leaving I decided to go down to the breakfast area and had a waffle and apple before hitting the road.

I wanted to top off the tank before leaving and luckily there was a gas station just around the corner where I fueled up. I was out of the gas station by 6:30am and fortunately beat the morning rush hour out of the city. I was back on US-54 before too long and continued my journey westward.

Unfortunately I was back into boring riding areas pretty quickly. Straight, flat and boring made up the majority of the day. I passed some cool clouds in western Kansas and a bunch of huge cattle ranches in Texas. During one of my fuelups I decided to buy a pre-made sandwich at a gas station so I could stop along the side of the road to eat. I figured this would be a lot quicker and cheaper than fast food.

I can't remember exactly where it was, but I stopped at some picnic tables along the side of the road and had some lunch next to three cops waiting for cars to come flying into town where the speed limit dropped from 65 to 35 in the matter of 1/4 of a mile or so.

After a couple more hours I was really starting to get fatigued and tired. I was extremely sore by now and just wanted to get home. I was getting so worn out from the heat and monotonous riding that I finally pulled over after I crossed into New Mexico and had a 5 hour energy to keep me going.

I made it through Tucumcari and was hoping I wouldn't have to fill up again to make it home. Unfortunately I had a rough headwind heading west on I-40 which kinda killed my mileage. My fuel light came on with about 40 miles to go in my ride. Rather than risk it I stopped in Moriarty and got some gas.

I finally made it home, unpacked some of the essentials and set about answering a ton of emails I had built up. Some friends invited me over for a fajitas dinner so I went over and had some fajitas and drinks. I was completely exhausted by like 9:30pm so I headed home to finish writing this report.

Overall the trip was a blast. The riding was a little more than I would have liked each day but now it's something I can cross off my list and say I did.

Teaser photos:

Some cool looking clouds
Some cool looking clouds
My lunch spot for the day
My lunch spot for the day
I was fading hard, so this was a much needed boost
I was fading hard, so this was a much needed boost
Gigantic cattle ranches in Texas
Gigantic cattle ranches in Texas

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Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

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Indy to Wichita - Day 7 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Indy to Wichita - Day 7 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

Today I awoke to the sound of thunder rather than my alarm. I saw yesterday that there was a chance for some early morning thunderstorms rolling through Indianapolis but figured they'd all be done by the time I was ready to set out. I got up around 5:30am and got dressed and finished packing up my stuff. I finished eating breakfast a little after 6 and the storms weren't letting up yet. Fortunately they were heading east pretty quickly so it was only a matter of time. I finally decided that i should be safe leaving a little after 7am which is what I did.

I left in some rain and had to deal with steady rain and traffic for the first 45 minutes or so while I was riding west out of Indianapolis. Soon enough the dark clouds turned into white puffy clouds and then they eventually broke into sun. I hit a couple more small patches of light drizzle but was able to take my rain gear off by the time I stopped for lunch.

For lunch I had packed a smoked turkey sandwich, some carrots, apple, cookie and brownie. I ended up at a TA where I went inside and sat at one of the restaurant tables to eat. Things were really starting to warm up now and all the rain gear was getting even more uncomfortable. I took off the jacket's rain lining but left the pants rain lining on.

On the way home I decided not to take the bypass around St. Louis and instead wanted to continue on I-70 through the city so I could see the arch. There was a little bit of traffic due to construction but it wasn't enough to make me regret taking that route.

The riding was pretty uneventful interstate riding for most of the day. By the time I got to Kansas City I was really starting to feel tired. I took a little side route down US 169 in order to avoid toll roads and ended up back on 54 which I took into Wichita.

About 20 miles from Wichita I noticed several cars swerving all over the road like they were being driven by drunks. As I got a better look I realized it was just people on cell phones who had no idea how to drive. It must have been some kind of requirement that to operate a car or truck in Wichita that you must talk on your phone and swerve at least 2 feet over the line both directions a minimum of twice every minute.

Rather than camping this time around, I figured I'd stop at a hotel so I could get a proper shower and also make a little more distance on day one. I looked online and found the Wichita Inn which had the lowest price of $58 while still looking fairly reputable. I made my way here and got a room. After hauling up all of my gear I set about eating, showering and getting ready for bed.

In total today was just over 700 miles and I'm definitely feeling it. Tomorrow is going to be just under 600 miles so I should be back to Albuquerque in the early afternoon. I'm planning on getting up at 5:30am again tomorrow morning so it will give me a nice early start.

Teaser photos:

Leaving Carmel in a storm
Leaving Carmel in a storm
Screenshot of the storm I'm about to ride through
Screenshot of the storm I'm about to ride through
Past the construction and back on the road
Past the construction and back on the road
Taking over a hotel room. Not a bad choice for $58 for the night. I could also see my bike if I looked out my window which was nice.
Taking over a hotel room. Not a bad choice for $58 for the night. I could also see my bike if I looked out my window which was nice.

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Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

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Memorial Day with the family - Day 6 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Monday, May 28, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

Since the race didn't get as wild yesterday as we were expecting, I was able to get to bed by a semi-reasonable time last night. I got a decent amount of sleep and woke up feeling a little groggy. I'm pretty sure that grogginess came from sitting in the sun for 8 hours yesterday, but I can't be totally sure.

After getting up and having breakfast, I relaxed for a little bit while waiting for my grandparents, uncle and his wife and his wife's sister and husband to show up. They all arrived and we broke out quite the feast. We had some filipino food, burgers, all kinds of side dishes and some good frozen mango margaritas.

We all hung out for several hours before people started heading home. I started to pay attention to the weather as they were calling for some severe thunderstorms rolling through that night. Since I was leaving bright and early in the morning I was anxious to see if I'd get rained on or not.

Since my parents and I were still fairly full from the big lunch I started to get some laundry and packing done so I wouldn't have to do it all in the morning. We ordered a pizza for dinner which was really good. I still wasn't feeling 100% so I wanted to make sure I got a good night's sleep so I decided to head upstairs around 8:30pm to finish this report and get ready for bed.

Tomorrow starts my journey back home!

Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

Posted from: United States

Indianapolis 500 Race Day - Day 5 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Indianapolis 500 Race Day - Day 5 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Sunday, May 27, 2012 @ 5:00 PM in General Travel

I woke up this morning at 5:00am in order to be at my friends house by 6:00 so we could leave for the track. There were 19 of us in total so we rented a big 12 seater van and then took a Tahoe so we could carry all the coolers and the remaining people.

We got to the track around 7:00 by taking our secret route in and bypassing all the traffic. We saw some people who must have been sitting in traffic for at least a couple of hours. The news shows in the morning were showing lines of traffic that had been sitting there since about 4:00am.

After unloading all the coolers from the cars and cracking some beers we headed into the track. In total we had four coolers full of beer and two full cases of water. We zigzagged around until we finally made it to the 3rd turn and set up our chairs and coolers. It was still a little on the cool side which felt nice and made it easy to drink beer. With all of our empty beer cans we started to build out an "Indy 500" in the fence in front of us.

Part of entry to the track was free entrance to the Snake Pit where Krewella and Benny Benassi were set to put on a show. We brought a cooler in there with some beers and got to enjoy the concerts. Around 10:30 the sun finally broke above the haze and it started to warm up drastically. Benny Benassi finished his set just before noon when the race was set to start. Before we left for the concert our beer can "Indy 500" was at "IN" and when we got back people had started adding to it and were starting to spell out Indianapolis and had made it all the way to "INDIA". We quickly started adding to it to continue spelling it out.

At our seats we were all starting to feel a little miserable due to the heat. As the day drew on we all stopped drinking beers and switched to water because it was so outrageously hot. They came on the loudspeakers eventually and said we set the record for the hottest race on history for the 500 at 93 degrees.

The race itself also had broken the record for most number of leader changes which helped to make the race exciting. We made our way back to the vehicles and started our journey home. The ride back was uneventful since most of us were extremely tired from the sun.

When we got back to my friends house we grilled out some chicken, burgers and brats and had some other munchies. I came back to my parents place to shower then went back over to jump in their hot tub. It ended up being a really long day but it was worth it.

Teaser photos:

My attire for the race
My attire for the race
Loading up the coolers. 4 coolers filled with beer, 2 coolers filled with water, 1 cooler filled with sandwiches
Loading up the coolers. 4 coolers filled with beer, 2 coolers filled with water, 1 cooler filled with sandwiches
Benny Benassi spinning on stage
Benny Benassi spinning on stage
Beer can Indianapolis 500 mural
Beer can Indianapolis 500 mural

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Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

Posted from: United States

Rest day with the family - Day 4 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Saturday, May 26, 2012 @ 5:00 PM in General Travel

Today was simply meant to be a rest day before the big race tomorrow and to handle any recovery from yesterday. I got up around 9:30am which isn't too bad considering I didn't get to bed until about 2:30am. My dad made an eggs and bacon breakfast which was really good and we started trying to figure out what we wanted to do today.

My mom wanted to get me a back and neck massage since I had spent those two full days on my bike so I let her talk me into that. I'm not really a huge fan of massages since I usually come out feeling worse than I did going into them. This one was about as expected but it still felt nice to get some of the tight spots in my back worked on.

We came back to the house and relaxed a bit before lunch which consisted of turkey sandwiches that my dad had smoked a few weeks ago. Smoked turkey sandwiches are the best if you get a chance to make them! We then ran a few errands and came back in time to have dinner with my grandparents.

I found out we were leaving from my friends house tomorrow at 6:00am so it was going to be an early night for me. I relaxed with the family for a bit and started getting ready for bed around 9 in order to get up by 5am.

They're saying tomorrow is supposed to be record setting temperatures so I've decided to bring my 3 liter camelpak with me so I can hopefully stay hydrated during the race tomorrow.

Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

Posted from: United States

Carb Day att the Indy Motor Speedway - Day 3 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Carb Day att the Indy Motor Speedway - Day 3 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Friday, May 25, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

I was able to get a good night's sleep last night in a real bed. Since I wasn't meeting my friends until 10:00am I didn't have to rush waking up this morning either. After eating some cereal and relaxing for a bit I went to meet with my friends.

We hung out for a bit while waiting for a few people to make it into town then left for the track. We ended up having 15 people with us divided up into 3 cars. Traffic to the track was very minimal since we did get a late start, plus we had a different route to the track that not too many people know about.

Parking was $10 just around the corner from the entrance. We had three coolers full of beer and some chips to munch on. When we got into the track we cracked open some beers and watched some of the practice runs. We soon decided to walk around and see if we could get any free swag from the companies in booths around the infield. Chevy had a big setup with some of their ZR1 and Z06 Corvettes sitting out which were extremely cool looking.

We got a big group photo taken at the Mazda booth while half of us were wearing the Mazda sponsored track suits. Five Hour energy was giving out free samples and Banana Boat was giving out free sunscreen and cozies which came in handy. After collecting all of our free stuff we headed toward the concert area where Lynard Skynard was about to start playing. The concert ended up being a lot of fun. We got to hear a lot of classic songs including Freebird.

No one pushed their limits with the booze at the track today and we didn't see anything really crazy happen either. The temperatures were a little on the warm side but still very tolerable. It's supposed to be a lot warmer for the actual race on Sunday though which isn't going to be too fun.

After getting back from the track I came back to my parents house and showered and got ready to head to another friends house for a party. I hung out there until about 1:45am when things finally wound down and I could barely stay awake.

Teaser photos:

Our group. We're getting another round of beer in before heading into the track.
Our group. We're getting another round of beer in before heading into the track.
I guess we should see some cars
I guess we should see some cars
Heading to the Lynard Skynard concert
Heading to the Lynard Skynard concert
Emptying the coolers so we don't have to carry them all the way back to the car full of ice.
Emptying the coolers so we don't have to carry them all the way back to the car full of ice.

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Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

Posted from: United States

I made it to Carmel - Day 2 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

I made it to Carmel - Day 2 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Thursday, May 24, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

Last night was a pretty crappy night to be camping. Now don't get me wrong, it could have been much worse but it was definitely still crappy. After riding in that intense wind and heat all day I just wanted to crash out and get a good night's sleep. After setting my tent up in relative calm I finally tried to fall asleep. It was still pretty hot and the wind was starting to pick up heavily too. Add to that a nice dosage of humidity and you have yourself one hot sticky mess of a sleeping arrangement. It was too hot to try and use my sleeping bag but it was too cool to try and sleep without some kind of cover. I opted for an awkward half covering until I finally fell asleep. Then the wind really picked up. It sounded like it was going to blow the trees down and my tent kept getting blown around with them. After a couple hours of on again, off again sleeping my alarm finally went off at 5:30am.

I got up and immediately set about deflating my sleeping pad and getting my sleeping bag packed back up. After that I put on the same smelly clothes I wore yesterday and went out to start putting stuff away. Since I basically had the entire campground to myself I didn't have to worry about being quiet which made it a lot easier to get everything packed up and put away. I ended up eating a granola bar and chugged a bunch of water before brushing my teeth and putting my jacket and pants back on.

The wind was still howling but it had finally cooled off a bit during the night so the morning was pretty pleasant for a few hours (aside from having to ride sideways against the wind). I eventually made it into some more tree-filled areas and the roads started to get a little more exciting (read: not straight and flat with nothing to see for miles).

Crossing into Missouri was actually quite nice. It seemed like almost immediately the land was a little greener and the roads more hilly and twisty. I just got into the rhythm of riding sideways and following US-54 until finally I met up with I-70 just north of Jefferson City, MO. Getting on the interstate after being on a US highway for essentially all day yesterday and all of today was a bit of a downer. Dealing with semis and a lot of traffic made me realize how nice those lesser used highways really are. I hit a few construction zones and eventually made my way through Missouri and Illinois and finally into Indiana.

Just before getting onto I-465 there was another construction zone where everyone was crawling along at 5mph and this semi just decides it doesn't care if I'm in the left lane and that it was his so he just rolled on over. Fortunately even after 600+ miles and 11 hours of riding for the day I was still aware enough to see what was happening and pulled over and honked while avoiding becoming roadkill like the many deer and other wildlife along the side of the road.

The final stretch to my parents place was pretty uneventful. Fortunately I had missed the evening rush hour and made good time to their place. I got my first shower after two full days of riding which felt great. After that I had a pizza dinner with my parents and grandparents.

Time yet again for bed. Tomorrow is Carb day at the Indy 500 track. This should be a day filled with drinking and debauchery so I'm sure there will be some fun photos and stories to share with you all later.


Distance: 635 miles
Time: 12 hours
Near death experiences: 1

Teaser photos:

Riding into the sunrise
Riding into the sunrise
Getting a little greener
Getting a little greener
Pizza with the family
Pizza with the family

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Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

Posted from: United States

Albuquerque to Toronto State Park, KS - Day 1 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Albuquerque to Toronto State Park, KS - Day 1 - 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

I woke up at 5:30am today so I could get an early start considering I had about 675 miles and 12 hours worth of riding to tackle. After eating and finishing some last minute preparations I was able to put up the kickstand and get started at 6:25am.

The ride started fine as I headed out of Albuquerque on I-40 towards Tucumcari. I was riding into the sun for a little while but it wasn't too bad because it was mostly off at an angle and wasn't directly in my line of sight. When I got to Tucumcari I fueled up and jumped on US-54 where I would stay the rest of the day.

I quickly crossed into Texas, then Oklahoma and finally Kansas. When I got into Texas the winds started to pick up but it wasn't really an issue since the wind was at my back and pushing me along. I stopped and ate some lunch jut after crossing into Oklahoma. I had made some turkey sandwiches and brought some apples so I could eat cheaply and quickly. I also had another Red Bull to keep me going since it was getting hotter and hotter with every passing hour.

I can't remember exactly where it was, but I want to say somewhere around the Oklahoma / Kansas border the winds shifted directions so they were coming from the south. Since I was heading east this meant I had a constant 30-40mph crosswind for what seemed like roughly half of the ride. The constant bombardment of wind from both directions was really wearing me down and causing some pain in my neck to keep my head centered on the road.

Just outside of Wichita I started to really debate whether or not I should continue with my original plan of camping or if I should push on and try my luck at finding a cheap hotel. I really didn't want to set up my tent in howling wind and deal with that all night.

Fortunately when I got closer to the Cross Timbers campground the wind had settled down a bit and I was really getting hungry for dinner so I decided I'd just keep with the plan and stay here for the night. I got into the campground around 7:30 pm central time. I picked an available spot, paid for it and then went to go find it… only to find out that someone else had already put their tent there. They said they had paid for it yesterday but their reservation ticket had a date of the 28th which is Memorial Day. I went back to the reservation desk and picked another spot that I saw on my way around that was surrounded by vacancies. Fortunately I was able to get my tent set up just before the sun went down. I quickly scarfed down my second sandwich, had some mac and cheese and an apple. Now I'm writing this post and thinking about how I don't really want to get up at 5:30am again. Anyway, It's off to bed for me. Thanks for tuning in!


Distance: 675 miles
Duration: 12 hours
Near death experiences: 0

Tomorrow: Make it to Indy!

Teaser photos:

The bike loaded and ready to go
The bike loaded and ready to go
Riding selfie
Riding selfie
Lunch of champions - sandwich and red bull
Lunch of champions - sandwich and red bull
Sunset at the Cross Timbers campground
Sunset at the Cross Timbers campground

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Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

Posted from: United States

Planning the 2012 Indy 500 Motorcycle Trip

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

In an effort to get my butt in gear for a 17 day 5,500+ mile ride later this summer (link to that ride), I decided I would ride my Triumph Tiger 800 from Albuquerque, NM to Indianapolis, IN for the Indy 500. The route is just over 1,300 miles each way which I plan on breaking up into two days spending the night camping at Toronto Lake (east of Wichita, KS). My parents live just north of Indy so I'll be staying with them for the long weekend.

The Plan:

Day 1 (May 23): Leave Albuquerque at 6am and ride 673 miles to Toronto State Park in southeastern Kansas where I'll be camping for the night. To get there I'll mainly be on US-54 with a little stretch on I-40 at the beginning of the day.

Day 2: Pack up and leave the campsite as early as possible and head to Indy. This is a mix of US-54 and I-70.

Day 3: Get up early and head to the track to attend Carb Day (final practice session before the big race). Much drinking will be involved. After that I'll have some parties with friends.

Day 4: Rest day / family day. Probably hang out with my grandparents, uncle and parents.

Day 5: RACE DAY! Head to the track early and enjoy some infield debauchery that will most likely involve many beers being consumed.

Day 6: Memorial day. Another rest day / family day.

Day 7: Leave Indy and head back to the Toronto State Park (unless it's a crap-hole of a campsite in which case I'll have to re-evaluate my route home).

Day 8: Depart campsite and head back to Albuquerque.

The Equipment:

I'm taking my 2011 Tiger 800 with a little over 4k miles on the clock. I've got a Touratech 25L topcase and two SW-MOTECH TraX Alu-Box 45L panniers plus a Roto-Pax 1.75gal fuel pack.

Tags: motorcycle, indy 500

Posted from: United States

2011 Labor Day Motorcycle Ride - Day 3 - Riding through Colorado National Monument

2011 Labor Day Motorcycle Ride - Day 3 - Riding through Colorado National Monument

Monday, September 5, 2011 @ 7:00 PM in General Travel

We woke up before sunrise on Monday to pack up our camp site, eat and get under way. It was in the low 40's when we left around 6:50 in the morning. Today's ride called for heading to Grand Junction to see the Colorado National Monument, then we'd head back to Denver. We stayed on US 50 from our campsite all the way to Grand Junction. We saw a huge herd of bighorned sheep just a few miles away from our camp site on our way west. It's a good idea to have some gas in your tank before taking this part of the journey because there weren't very many gas stations until you get to Montrose. We fueled up there and then made our way through Delta and finally to Grand Junction. In Grand Junction we fueled up again, grabbed a snack and then took US 340 into the Colorado National Monument. Depending on when you get there, it's probably wise to fuel up before entering the park.

If you're afraid of heights, then you might want to pass this ride. It's 26 miles with a lot of spots that have no guard-rail and sheer drops of a couple hundred feet. The road itself is in good condition and has some great curves and twists through some amazing red rock canyons. There are scenic overlooks about every mile or so where you can stop and take photos of the views. We also had to be careful because there were a lot of bicyclists and slow moving traffic to watch out for. The five dollar entrance fee is worth the hour and a half to two hours it takes to get through the Colorado National Monument.

After we got out of the Colorado National Monument we found ourselves in Fruita, Colorado two miles from I-70. We ate lunch at McDonalds and fueled up once again before getting on I-70. We rode in 90 degree heat for the rest of the day. We soon found out you need sun block on the face and hands even when you are wearing a helmet and gloves. The drive from Fruita to Denver is nothing exciting because it's a single straight road and in 90 degree heat you get tired easily. We found our selves stopping every 80 - 100 miles for gas, snacks, and soda. One cool thing about doing I-70 from Grand Junction to Denver is the wide change in scenery. It starts off very sandy looking in Grand Junction, then slowly turns into the ski areas with lots of pine trees. We made our last stop in Frisco, Colorado at a gas station that had two pumps and lots of traffic. Once we got about 5 miles outside of Georgetown we found out everyone was heading back at the same time, so for 25 miles we did anywhere from 3 - 50 mph. This took us about an hour and half to get past Idaho Springs. From there, it was a smooth ride back to Ryan's place.

Some things we learned throughout the trip:

1. Having cigarette adapter plugs for our phones and headsets came in extremely handy. The campsite didn't have any power outlets to charge things, so we wouldn't have had any other way to keep things charged.

2. Put some sunscreen on your wrists, hands and face when you're riding all day. The sun finds strange ways to work into cracks and you end up with sunburns when you thought you'd be fine.

3. Bring a sponge to help clean your cooking gear.

4. When you stop for food, grab some extra napkins and keep them with you. You always seem to find a need for napkins when you're camping.

5. If you’re going to be foraging for wood, bring some tweezers because you’ll probably end up with a splinter at some point.

6. If you don't have anything to start a fire with use antibacterial gel.

Teaser photos:

Riding through Colorado National Monument
Riding through Colorado National Monument

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Tags: motorcycle, labor day 2011

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