Brandon O'Brien

Travel and Adventure Journal

I wanted a place to journal all my travels and adventures around the world. I always enjoy going back and reflecting on my past travels and getting to relive them through my words and photos.

You're reading posts I wrote on January 17 throughout the years. Return home.
Monteverde Cloudforests - Day 6 - Costa Rica

Monteverde Cloudforests - Day 6 - Costa Rica

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 @ 10:00 PM in 2017 Costa Rica

Content coming soon

Teaser photos:

Me and Sam in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve
Me and Sam in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve
Cool patterns in tree stump
Cool patterns in tree stump
Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve
Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve
Sam picking coffee beans
Sam picking coffee beans

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Tags: costa rica, monteverde

Posted from: Costa Rica